How can our house cleaners manual turn into your cleaning manual with your supplies?

The second reason you need the House Cleaners Training Kit is it is not every house cleaners training kit.  It is the kit used at your company and it is on-line.  How does that work and how does that help? 

This is what the cleaner will see when they log into my company’s website which is website # 47  minus the edit key that you will see when you sign in as the administrator of the website.  It is this little edit key that turns this manual into yours. If these aren’t the products and tools you use, wipe them out and put yours in.  It is as easy to edit as a word document.

The manual covers every aspect of cleaning each area for a regular clean.  It does not cover heavy tasks in a deep clean such as the inside of an oven or a refrigerator which can be taught at retraining sessions. Watch this video to see some of the bathroom manual.

I mentioned earlier it is on-line.  Tomorrow I will cover the multiple uses and advantages of on-line training that place it a cut above traditional house cleaner training.