What’s More Important: KPIs or the Right Tile Brush?
At first glance, this might seem like an odd question. Some readers might instantly think “KPIs, of course,” while others might say, “both.” And some might be left wondering what
The Power of Animation in Training: A Surprising Engagement Factor
Over the past two weeks, I’ve had the unique opportunity to witness firsthand the stark difference in engagement between animation-based training and traditional training videos. The realization dawned on me
The Value of the Repeat Cleaning Client
In the dynamic world of the cleaning industry, the repeat client seems to have become a rare gem. Reflecting on my journey since joining ARCSI nearly two decades ago, the
QA’s on homes vs QA’s on sales calls
What percentage of your homes undergo a QA check? How about your sales calls? And why are QA checks necessary for either anyway? If your company performs more than one
Engaging the applicant to actually show up for the interview
Welcome back to my series on engaging employees. Hopefully, you have written an alluring ad and you have received 30-40 responses. If that is true, I also hope you have
Employee Engagement starts with your recruiting advertisements
I am going to use the analogy of a wedding engagement as I present the subject of employee engagement to you in this series. Whether your new relationship is personal
How monthly clients gave us peace of mind
Accurately scheduled, the monthly client is a life saver The first rule to learning to love your monthly clients is to NEVER promise them the same day or the same
That is why client’s go repeat I have created the habit of making dinner while listening to Cleaning Business Today Live hosted by Tom Stewart, Liz Trotter and they normally
Charge no first time in fee and win every bid
That’s how I bought repeat clients and it worked. I had 754 repeat clients in 2008 Repeat Clients were my company’s mission, vision and sole focus. I would do just
What is a repeat client really worth?
It does not take a brain surgeon to figure out a bi-weekly client paying $150/visit is worth $3900/year. Yet so much time, money and energy is spent on the first
All $5M+ companies are documented in EVERY area You cannot ‘wing it’ and generate $5M
Are your cleaning processes and procedures documented? A detailed cleaning procedural manual is a key business tool for any organization that is very useful if the data is correct and
Repeat Client Retention-Define Expectations
My theme for the first quarter blogs of 2022 will be defining and meeting client levels of expectation. When I was training in offices across the country the first thing
This door will cost you a repeat client and a cleaner. When do you teach your cleaners to clean the bath door?
Granted, this was the dirtiest door I saw in the 56 offices I trained in but there was not an office that did not have dirty doors and light switches
Can you ADD 2 repeat clients per week in 2022 Can you KEEP them?
I talk to a lot of owners every week who easily sell 2 repeat clients every week but at the end of the year they have the same amount of
Pretraining like pretreating makes the hardest job easier
Difficult cleaning jobs like a very dirty shower or stove top can be cleaned without pretreating but I would submit most of us would agree those jobs are a lot
Step 3-Bath cleaning process
Today we will cover step 3 of the process for cleaning a bathroom. Let’s review first. In step 1 there are 2 actions. First, bring your supplies caddy, long duster,
STEP 2 of Process Cleaning for baths
Today we will cover step 2 of the process for cleaning a bathroom. To review in step 1 there are 2 actions. First, bring your supplies caddy, long duster, vacuum
To teach a process you need a process (that works)-Bath cleaning process-Step 1
• My name is Sharon Tinberg and I have dedicated the last 14 years of my life to making house cleaning easier along with making it easier to train others
Why prepare an apron before you need it?
Some cleaners and owners do not use aprons because they think “It just gets in the way.” Actually, that could be true. An apron is not needed to clean a
ISSA Director of Government affairs states “Make hiring easier with training”
John Nothdurft, Director, suggested focusing on retention. “Retention is critical now. Make the position less of a job and more of a career.” I do not profess to have
What is a bath cleaning process and how do you teach it?
A defined process allows you to perform routine work more accurately and efficiently, reducing the time required for routine tasks. Cleaning a regularly used bathroom takes 7-8 steps, depending upon
What do baking and cleaning have in common?
They both need to have the right recipe and that recipe needs to be followed exactly in order to always produce a 5 star product. When I was a little
A complete online training manual with YOUR supplies will change the way you train
A complete online training manual with YOUR supplies will change the way you train because it eradicates many of the logistical challenges related to targeted training. Anything you read about
How can our house cleaners manual turn into your cleaning manual with your supplies?
The second reason you need the House Cleaners Training Kit is it is not every house cleaners training kit. It is the kit used at your company and it is
What is inside of the House Cleaners Training Kit that you need and cannot get anywhere else?
#1 Speed of training. Get them trained fast so they are cleaning fast. Weed out those that do not like cleaning BEFORE they cost you more money than necessary. Why
Most of you do not remember Stephen Covey’s book 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. It is a book designed to lead your life in a highly effective way. The
Have you documented your cleaning process and procedures? Should you?
Over the past 13 years I have trained literally 1,000s of owners, managers, trainers and cleaners and visited more than 50 offices across the US and Canada training in their